Foul Machinations
Belak muttered to himself and as he strode down through the dark expanse. It was a large hallway with vaulted ceilings carved into the roof of the cave. At one point in time they likely resembled a grand corridor seen in some of the more extravagant structures in the Sword Coast, the arched ceilings embellished with gold filigree and adorned with lavish fresco paintings. That had been another time though - another life. Now they were dark and sullen, any artistry long since faded away or covered in grime. There was a darkness to the room, beyond that which filled the winding passageways of the Twilight Grove. It was the kind of darkness one found the more foul places of the world. A rot which had set into the very rock itself. There was darkness here, beyond the absence of light. A true darkness which made most folk shiver and turn away. The kind of darkness that made your skin crawl from uncertainty and anxiety. The darkness of true evil. The darkness and macabre energy in the ro